A Book List for Creatives

Whenever I find an interesting book (interesting in my own opinion) I like to share it with others–and most often, the “others” are those in my yoga classes. Recently, in my Tuesday Chair Yoga class, we talked about a few books for those who live, or dabble, in some form of creativity. It is a delight to learn more about the creative lives of my yoga friends.

Let me say–I am not an Amazon affiliate. I don’t make any commission or receive any financial compensation for recommending books or linking Amazon to my blog– and I buy many of the books I purchase from Amazon. If you are not familiar with the Amazon Smile program, then I invite you to take a look at that here: https://org.amazon.com/
You can choose your favorite charity, and each time you place an order through the smile.amazon.com website, Amazon will contribute 0.5% of the purchase price to the charity of your choice. My amazon smile donations go to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas , and if you don’t have a charity of choice, I invite you to join me in supporting RMHCA. They provide incredible services (shelter, safety, peaceful sleep, support, meals, love, hope, and every incidental needed) to parents and family members who have critically ill children and who are being treated at Little Rock hospitals. They also provide free, comprehensive dental services to local children in Central Arkansas. Let me know if you’d like more info– I can hook you up!

I have read each of these books, and while this is not a comprehensive list, these are my favorites:

On to the list:

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

The Right to Write by Julia Cameron

It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again by Julia Cameron

The Writing Life by Annie Dillard

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Still Writing by Dani Shapiro

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp– this is my latest read, and I loved this book!

I hope this list inspires you– I know CALS has many, if not all, of these books so you might want to check out their site.

If you have others to add, please email me at karinbarayoga@gmail.com.

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