2020 Beginning

Here is a snippet of the email I sent to those in my yoga classes at the beginning of the month:

…Now, regarding New Year’s resolutions- I’m curious to know if you make any. Of course, you all know me well enough to know that I am a Type A person and naturally I always have written goals at the beginning of a new year, and yes, my notebook is indexed.
(See why breathing is so important to me?!)

This year, rather than thinking about things to accomplish I decided to approach the year through a different lens and be more intentional in my daily life. More joy, more service, more laughter, and more simplicity. I invite you to join me.

January 13th update. Well. Not having any goals written down has not been easy for me. I felt directionless and I kept checking the page in the front of my notebook where all of my goals are outlined only to find blank pages, which made me very uneasy and unaccomplished. So, I spent some time over the weekend jotting down a few things that I’d like to accomplish this year and I know myself well enough to know that I’ll expand and modify my words as the year moves on. Stay tuned.

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